Phoenix Rising Reiki

The Phoenix Rising Reiki was founded and channelled by Linda Colibert. The phoenix represents rising above life’s challenges and circumstances whether this is financial, relationships and health etc.


This beautiful bird of Myth and Magic is generally seen in the colors of red, golden yellow, and sometimes the Phoenix will have a slight tint of orange in its plumage.


The Phoenix Rising Reiki system works with the power colours of red and yellow and the elements for visualization in focusing or directing the energies toclear negativity and infuse courage, strength, endurance, and rising above life’s challenges.


The Phoenix Rising attunement will burn away any negative thought patterns you have acquired during this lifetime and past lifetimes that are no longer needed. Through the Attunement these Negative Thought Patterns are released to be transformed into positive energies. By letting go of these negative thought forms, you can then begin to allow the positive things that the Universe has for us to come into us.


You will be attuned to Master level and can pass this attunement to others.

All of the information for the course will be e-mailed to you.


Phoenix Rising Reiki – $30

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